Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Seasons Change...And So Do I

Although I love the change of seasons, I can't help but mourn the end of summer. Here where I live, as with a lot of the rest of the US, summertime was too short. I'm going to miss it. But, the consolation is that autumn is here, and it's starting to get a bit stormy and cold weather is on its way.
Cascade Falls from AnnWilkinson Photography

An Apple A Day letterpress poster from Vik Design

Here's a reason to eat something healthy every day. Just because you might not be a kid any longer, it's still a lot of fun to put stickers on things. Find a great apple, peel off the sticker, eat the apple and stick that little apple sticker onto this poster. You are not only creating your own art, you are doing something healthy for yourself.

Mornings will still be chilly enough to warrant something to cover your hands. Why not have some freedom to find your keys, change or a tissue for your cold nose?

1 comment:

  1. It's getting chilly in NY too! I love the fall, and so does my husband. We are looking forward to our first fall in the city! I think I need those blue gloves.
